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Welcome to the newest addition to FF Storm, the fanart page! Here you can take a look at the extraordinary artistic talents of other people, and maybe you can even contribute too. FF Storm is always looking for new pieces of fanart to post up, so if you have a talent for this sort of thing, drop me a line at Dark Leonhart@hotmail.com, with some pieces of your work attached. So far, I have 4 pieces of fanart for your viewing pleasure, all drawn and provided by K-Chan! As you can see, she is very talented and she likes Ellone as well! Yay! You can check out some more of her work at her website, K-Chan's SeeD Gallery. Enjoy!
Quistis Trepe: I think this is one of K-Chan's coolest pieces. Quistis just looks so good in this! Hehe  ^_~

Squall And Rinoa: Awww....ain't this just sweet? The two lovebirds embrace in this touching piece.

Ellone Loire: Yes, yes, yes!!! Finally, a pic of Ellone! K-Chan has a lot of cool Ellone pics on her site, but this one I think is the most kawaii! ^_~

Squall Leonhart: Ooh...now this is a Squall pic! He looks pretty cool here doesn't he? Must be the jacket (!!!). Another talented piece of work from K-Chan and one of my favourites (I'm becoming her biggest fan!).
 Rinoa Heartilly: K-Chan's newest piece of fanart! A very nice Rinoa piece ^_^

Midi Playing: Fragments Of Memories

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